So we were driving home from a wonderful trip to Wisconsin a year ago and I was reflecting on what a happy life I have. I am so lucky to have a husband who is my best friend, a charming old farm house as my home, a fantastic view from our land, and the most beautiful friends and family anyone could imagine. I also get to wake up every day and if I so choose, do what I love...Make Pottery (
muddyfishstudio.blogspot.com). While thinking about this I thought about my chickens and how they've changed my life. They are walking lawn ornaments. They are zen. They all have different personalities and are entertaining. I glow when friends ask me about my chickens. It's so incredibly silly, but it's true I just love them. So if they could make me so happy, maybe there was a way for me to spread the love and have them make others happy too.
I started out with 8 chicks in 2005 and have added chicks in '06 and '08. I had been giving my eggs away to friends, but all my friends where always willing to pay for them. So I thought I would change course a little. I would sell my eggs and the money raised would go to
Heifer International at the end of the year. This way my customers get a good quality egg, free roaming for at least 8 hours a day, plus they have a very spacious coop and cage area when they are in at night, and my clients can also feel good because there purchase will go to a wonderful cause. My girls put out an egg-cellent product and at the end of the year they will be making other families in other countries very happy too.
My goal was to raise $100. I have already met that goal and still have three months of egg sales left. Be A GOOD EGG!
P.S. The featured chicken is one of my Aussies, Teri. She is an Australorp and part of the '08 group. Australorps are known for their gentle nature and year round egg laying. Since I had decided to sell eggs I needed some winter layers. My Araucanas lay beautiful eggs, but come December/January they shut down the shoot and take a few months off. This will be the first winter with Australorps, we'll see how they do. So far they have lived up to their reputation for being gentle, they are very sweet natured and curious. Oh, I almost forgot to mention the dog in the picture is our chihuahua Meadow.