Sunday, September 14, 2008


I believe we can all make a difference in the world. I really feel that making small steps to help others actually ends up making huge differences. Speaking from experience when I do something nice for someone seeing them feel good makes me feel good. It's a nice circle. Where I'm going with this is that we should all try to Be A Good Egg.

That's what this little blog is about, in a way. I'd like it to be a place to showcase my fabulous flock of working gals, my hens, and the good work they are doing and maybe learn a bit about chickens and kindness toward each other. In January of 2008 I started selling my chicken eggs with the idea that I would donate the money to Heifer International at the end of the year. I was selling them for $2.50/dz, but since the price of feed went up SOOOO much I changed the plan just slightly. I sell the eggs for $3/dz with $2 going to the donation fund and $1 to supplement the cost of feed and scratch. I'll chat about how this started on another day.

I'll also be showing off my girls and their life here on Fairacres. I hope you get a kick out of this little blog, maybe learn a thing a two about chickens with me and inspire you to Be A Good Egg too!


P.S. The chicken on this post is Daphne. She is a Buff Orpington. Daphne is a member of the '08's. This means she was raised here on the farm in 2008. She's a gentle gal that makes a sound like a squeaky toy. She lays beautiful medium brown eggs.


Heather said...

This is an awesome "blog". I didn't think you could be any more awesome than I already thought you were....but you are.

Chicken Curator said...

I can always get more awesome! HA. What kind of Good Egg stuff is going on are Park Falls?