Monday, February 16, 2009

Back in Business

Although I haven't really noticed the days getting much longer, my girls sure have. They are back to work putting out the best tasting eggs around. With our $130 donation in mind my goal is $150. Of course I'll let the girls know since they are the ones that have to up their game. It was a rough winter for them, we usually don't get much snow, but they got through it and seem to be back on the egg making track. So I'll try to start posting more often, maybe some of my favorite egg recipes and more amazing chicken stories. There are lots of stories I haven't had time to tell yet. So keep coming back and remember Spread the Word, spread the LOVE and Be A Good Egg!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Randy the Random Rooster

This Silver laced Wyandotte was brought out to the country and dropped off, abandoned, with another one just like him. We started noticing them hanging around our mailboxes and roosting in the neighbors trees at night. Then one was gone and the other was alone and many times hanging out in our yard or our neighbors. We found out one of the other neighbor's dog killed the other one after we saw their dog chasing this one and having a conversation with them. Then we disappeared for a week. We figured the dog got this one too and then feared that the dog would be coming over to our yard for some of my chickens. After a little push from the neighboring farmer they have agreed to keep the dog tied up or on a leach and not roaming unsupervised. They admit it likes to kill things....Anyway, one day Random Rooster appears in the yard again and after a few days starts hanging out with my Australorps. I checked in the coop and sure enough, he was roosting with everyone else and our rooster Ruben didn't seem to care. So he has been dubbed Randy the Random Rooster and is now part of the family. So far so good. The other picture is me, with about four layers of clothes, taking a thawed watering can down to the coop. All the snow is gone and the chickens and I are very happy about it!!!

Spread the word, spread the love, Be a Good Egg.