Monday, February 16, 2009

Back in Business

Although I haven't really noticed the days getting much longer, my girls sure have. They are back to work putting out the best tasting eggs around. With our $130 donation in mind my goal is $150. Of course I'll let the girls know since they are the ones that have to up their game. It was a rough winter for them, we usually don't get much snow, but they got through it and seem to be back on the egg making track. So I'll try to start posting more often, maybe some of my favorite egg recipes and more amazing chicken stories. There are lots of stories I haven't had time to tell yet. So keep coming back and remember Spread the Word, spread the LOVE and Be A Good Egg!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

those ladies make some good eggs! keep up the good work.

PS, your dog is really cute