Speaking of good causes...have you heard of Empty Bowls? Wikipedia has it defined as “Empty Bowls” is an international project to fight hunger, personalized by artists and art organizations on a community level". If you Google it you will find lots of local Empty Bowls events. This is a great way to do something small and make a big difference. The Oregon Potters Association is a good example of a group of artists raising money for the hungry. Their event happens in conjunction with the Waterfront Blues Festival every year. Take a look around for these events in your area.
Spread the word, spread the love and Be A Good Egg!!!
-The showcased chicken today is Stacey. She is an '05 Araucana that likes to make a lot of noise, but is a consistant layer, even after all these years.
1 comment:
Chickens and charity are a good combination. Have a look at www.beagoodegg.com to find out how chickens are lifting children out of poverty across the world.
Good luck with your flock,
Ben Carter
World Emergency Relief
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