Monday, July 19, 2010

We quack ourselves up.

These little gals are our new addition to the farm and will be living in our garden. We have a little duck truck for them. They don't have names just yet, but I'm sure something will come to me soon. The one not standing in the food dish is the off spring of my friend Meredithe's duck Penelope and Scurbles. Scurbles disappeared one day and a day later Penelope went broody. Since she was broody we took a few on my chicken eggs and put them under her. She successfully hatched one of the chicken eggs and we now refer to the little peeper as Chuck. After a few days she gave up on her clutch and decided Chuck was all she needed. Meredith took the remaining duck eggs and one hatched. So he is going to keep Chuck and I'm taking the duck. I went to the local feed store and got her a friend so she's not lonely. They are getting along great and growing so fast. I'm looking forward to offering Duck eggs to my customers and also learning about another animal. So much to learn and enjoy in life. We are so lucky...or are we now Ducky?

Spread the word, spread the love, Be A Good Egg.

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