We adopted our chihuahua Meadow from a group called Chihuahua Rescue and Retirement when we lived in Florida. This is a family organization started by a sister and brother that was seeing good dogs put down at a shelter because they needed a little recovery time from an injury or health problem. They started taking the dogs home and getting them healthy and bringing them back to the shelter for adoption. What they discovered is they did not have any say in who adopted them at that point. So they created their own rescue and found good homes themselves. We had a fantastic experience adopting from this group, which has grown. They really work with you to find a perfect match and check you out to make sure you are a responsible animal owner. One of their rules is that you can not alter the dog in any way. Every once in a while Meadow asks for her ears to be pierced or a tattoo, but we have to say no, we signed a contract, all alterations are out.
So if you are looking for a new companion, there are lots of good pets that need good homes and turn to a local rescue like CRAR or check out Petfinder.com or the Humane Society. Remember...Spread the word, spread the love, Be A GOOD EGG!
Egg Info: The stringy piece of material in the egg is not an embryo but rather a special protein called chalazae which acts as a shock absorber for the yolk so it doesn't break.
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