Sunday, August 30, 2009

I thought I was clever

I thought I was being cute and clever by calling my blog Be A Good Egg, but there is a charity in the UK that goes by that name. Originally I just wanted to call my blog Good Egg, but someone else had that and wasn't doing anything with it. So now I find out that there is a nice group in the UK that raises money to buy chickens and they are called Be A Good Egg. Of course I am not actually upset because we are both doing really great things for those who have much less then we do. My operation is a much smaller scale, but helping just one family is still help. Also, I wanted to use this blog as a way to point out different charities or ways you can get involved in your community and make a difference to others. So check out Be A Good Egg and other charities on this blog and try to find the one that works best for you. Of course let me know about it so I can post it for others to learn about.

Remember...Spread the word, spread the love and Be A Good Egg!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the mention!

- The UK Be a Good Egg Team